We have had such a fun and busy summer. There are so many stories to share and even some exciting news! First, the news.
This is our newest little one at just 6 weeks. This was my first ultrasound so early (they do them to confirm pregnancy here) and I was surprised by how much the baby really does look like a peanut! I was given a due date of December 31 so I guess we’ll bring in the new year at the hospital!
Just before our summer trip, I had another appointment. The batteries died in the Doppler fetal monitor so we got another glimpse at the baby. Sammi came to this appointment with me so she could hear the heartbeat and was amazed by seeing the baby. It took her a little bit of time to process that she was seeing the baby in Mommy’s tummy. Once she got it, she was thrilled. Also, she was very sure that this baby was a boy.
Listen to Baby’s Heartbeat at 16 Weeks
At the next appointment, I actually got to hear the baby’s heartbeat. I love that moment! We also scheduled the 20-week ultrasound at this appointment. Another exciting step in the pregnancy. Then almost two weeks later I got a call from the doctor that my hormone levels were really low and they were worried about a genetic disorder with this baby that typically results in miscarriage or death shortly after birth (Trisomy-18). At that moment, I realized that we hadn’t done that blood test with either of the girls and so this was totally new to us. The doctor scheduled an ultrasound and a consultation with a genetic counselor for the following week. That was one of the longest weeks of my life. Brent and I cried and prayed and hoped for the best.

Can’t find the ultrasound pics 🙁 But here’s the lionfish from the doctor’s office where we met with the genetic counselor.
At 18 weeks Brent and I traveled to Knoxville for the appointment. Fortunately, the ultrasound showed a healthy baby. They didn’t see any of the markers that are typically identifiable by ultrasound at 18 weeks. The baby completely rolled over and away from the ultrasound wand. The tech was able to see most everything, including the four chambers of the heart, but not inside the heart. So I’m scheduled to return for a follow-up ultrasound at 22 weeks to get a better look at the heart. So while we’re pretty much sure that the baby is healthy, there are a few concerns that remain about the baby’s development. I’ll have monthly ultrasounds to monitor the baby’s growth and I’ll have extra monitoring the last month of the pregnancy.
The one piece of news the baby showed very willingly was the gender. We are excited that this baby is a BOY and hope that he will be healthy and not have any growth limitations (I would feel so guilty if this boy is short while his sister are so tall!)
I feel very blessed to have such a positive outcome for how scary the situation could have been. Our family has been comforted and we have peace in knowing that our family is together forever.
Congratulations! That’s very exciting. I hope everything goes well for you. We are having another baby girl December 19th. Not to far away from you. Good Luck!
OHHHHHHHHHH such a rollercoaster. Praying for smooth sailing from now on for you all. Welcome to the #3 club. Boys are so much fun!
Congrats!! I bet your girls are so excited to have a little brother around. Hope everything goes well with the rest of your pregnacy. We’ll be praying for you.
Congrats! Glad that everything looks good so far…good luck with the next few months!!! I was wondering when you were going to blog about your new addition!
Congratulations!!!! Good luck with everything!!! I missed the announcement on FB but I’ve been checking both your blogs waiting to see what you’ve been up to this summer! So excited for you and your family!
I just used one of those at-home pregnancy tests and it came back positive. My husband and I are really excited at the prospect of having our own little baby. I like your point about how important it is to schedule an appointment with your OBGYN as soon as possible. As you mentioned, the faster we see a doctor, the faster we’ll be on track to a healthy and safe pregnancy.