Amber Passey with Elli (left) and Sammi (right)
Welcome to my energetic and often chaotic corner of the world! I am Amber, the mother of two girls and two boys, ages 7 to 3 months. We pretty much spend our days playing and cleaning. I know mothers are biased, but I think my kids are rather brilliant for their ages. It has required a lot of creativity on my part to keep them not just entertained but also engaged in their own development.
Before embarking into the realm of motherhood, I was a professional research assistant (sounds fancy, huh?) on a research project involving assessing infant development. In a nutshell, we played with babies engaging them in specific tasks to evaluate how they were progressing in their development. A lot of the games I play with my children come from these assessments and have given us hours of enjoyment.
We moved to Tennessee about in 2009. We lived in two cities over the five years we were there for my husband, Brent to complete medical school. We have been involved at our local libraries helping do story time for little ones both at the Middlesboro Public Library and the Kingsport Public Library. In Utah I ran the Music Makers playgroup weekly with an average attendance of 25 kids and parents. I also volunteered as a laptime teller at the Orem Public Library. A lot of the songs and fingerplays you’ll see here come from these experiences. The year before Ben was born, I started a monthly Music Club playgroup at Warrior’s Path State Park and enjoyed the friends and experiences we had there.
In the summer of 2014 we moved to upstate New York for Brent to continue his medical training and complete his requirements for licensing. Again, we are having fun getting to know a new place, finding fun things to do like apple picking and the Corning glass museum. We are also getting such a kick out of the libraries here. They have amazing programs and are always busy with story times, community classes, maker faires and such.
I look forward to sharing info, activities and products that will help you find fun ways to encourage your child’s creativity. You’ll find lots of posts on early literacy, music and play to provide opportunities for your child’s creativity to flourish.
Please email me with any ideas you’d like to share or questions you’d like answered! I can be reached at becausebabiesgrowup {at} gmail {dot} com. I look forward to hearing from you!
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