This Top Ten list is all about the social development of babies birth to one year. I think it’s fascinating they begin at birth to recognize and attach themselves to parents and consistent caregivers. Here are my favorite ten ways to know your baby thinks the world of you…and only you (and maybe Daddy, too.)
Birth to 4 Months
1. Gazes into your eyes while being fed.
2. Begins to coo or smile when you talk to him or her.
3. Fusses or cries to get your attention.
5 to 8 Months
4. Smiles when you smile or make gentle, funny faces.
5. Kicks legs or reaches with arms when seeing you approach.
6. Bounces on your lap to get attention.
9 to 12 Months
7. Checks out your reaction before deciding if he or she should act hurt.
8. Reaches to you for comfort when upset or hurt.
9. Shows great delight when playing peek-a-boo with you.
Your Favorite
10. How do you know you are the center of your little one’s world?
This post is linked to Oh Amanda’s Top Ten {Tuesday} carnival.
My little one is 6 months old and just can’t take her eyes off me. I breastfeed so I am hardly EVER away from her. Which I love! But even if her daddy is holding her she’s gotta have an eye on me! Happy Top Ten Tuesday! Great post! Visiting from the linky!
Great list! 🙂 I know my LO loves me when she comes and gives me a hug for no reason! So sweet!
My little ones are not so little any more, but I can remember when my middle son would get all worked up right as I pulled in the driveway. He was always so excited to see me! Maybe it was because he was BF and knew dinner was here. 🙂
What a clever way to come up with your top ten today, and the baby is so adorable!
Great list. I love all those stages. My 14 mo likes to grab my face and plant a slobbery kiss on my cheek. My 5yo tells me “I love you to the moon and back!”
I remember when I was nursing, I loved when my daughter would rub my face. So sweet. Now, they are 1 and 4 and I know I am the center of the universe when they plaster their faces to the door as I’m showering. Ahhh. Now, that’s motherhood for you! 😉
My kids both definitely want ME when they are hurt, sick, afraid, or tired – basically anytime they need to be comforted.
Looking forward to experiencing all those again with a little one on the way!
Thank you for sharing all your memories and your special relationships with your little ones.
Vanessa: I actually thought of you when I was putting this list together! So excited for you 🙂
I love it when Jenny (3yo) comes up to me and tells me I’m her “favorite Mommy”. David makes my day when she comes running at me with a big smile: “Mamma!”