It’s been a month since I started the Biggest Loser competition and I’ve lost 7 pounds. Not bad, but not as good as I’d hoped. Last week I made three goals. I had success with two of them, but I really floundered on the third. And I started sliding on my initial goal that I had been doing so good at! I have my work cut out for me this week. And the chocolate chip cookies I at on the way home from the zoo today probably didn’t help much.
I am really struggling to work out more than three times in a week. I have really great intentions, but when it comes down to it, something always changes my mind. I’m so worn out by the end of the day that it’s hard to get myself to exercise after the girls are in bed. Then I stay up late cleaning, blogging and the like and so I’m too tired to get up early and do anything before they wake up. I tried a couple times to workout with them awake and that was completely fruitless. So this is a dilemma I’m still facing. Any suggestions?
About the two successful goals. I looked at cookbooks and chose meals for each day. Then I made my grocery list and went shopping. We ate some really yummy food this week! I think I may have to devote a week to yummy recipes just to share all the ones we love. Interested? Okay, so I probably shouldn’t dwell on the food so much since that’s what got me here in the first place! But, I do get a lot of joy out of eating good food so it’s important to me to make healthy choices so I can continue to enjoy it.
I don’t have much to report on the meeting this week. There was a specialist from the health department who spoke on diabetes. I, however, read my book (Raising An Emotionally Intelligent Child) during the lecture. It was highly productive for me since I am accepting that I have not been handling Sammi’s crying as well as I should. After just a couple of days using what I’ve read so far, we’ve had far fewer breakdowns, the ones we’ve had haven’t lasted as long and there have been fewer power struggles. I can’t wait till I get the whole thing read and can really put Emotion Coaching into action.
As for the coming week: Exercise more! I am going to focus on that single goal and see what magic I can make happen.
Yeah I’m interested in good recipes if you decide to post them! I’m always looking for good recipes, especially if they are healthy too!
I have to excercise before Baylie wakes up. Fortunately, my mom comes over and watches her while she’s asleep.
Seven pounds is excellent! Any faster than that can be harder to maintain. I think 5 pounds a month is a realistic and healthy goal.
you are looking great!
Hey, Amber. I’m most successfull when I get up early and exersize before the kids get up. I’m working realy hard to get to bed by 9:00 or 9:30 so I can get up by five and finished before the kids are up at 5:45. Something that helps me not stay up too late, or eat after dinner, is to brush my teeth and wash my face when the kids are getting ready for bed. Then a big ostacle to going to bed is already overcome. Also I try to do bloging and face book during the day, ’cause it can get late fast when your just surfing. Kristin is right seven pounds is fabulous!
Amber, Hi!
I live in AL and I enjoy reading your blog. I have an 8 month old and have used so much information from your site. I think I found it when she was only a month old! Thank you for sharing!!
Suggestions for working out: I used the Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds DVD. It is a 30 min walk right in front of your TV. It is quick and I did it every day with outstanding results. I lost 25 lbs. with that and WW. It is so easy to pop it in the DVD player and you can do it at home, cheap!
Congratulations on loosing 7 pounds. That is outstanding!! Also, when weight comes off a little at the time, it is more likely to stay off! I hope this suggestion helps you as it did me!
Hilary Gresham
Thanks, Hilary. I’m so glad you like the site. Thanks for you ideas, too. If you ever have any questions you want me to specifically address, I’d be happy to!