We are having a blast at Grandpa’s house this week. We’re sort of settling into a routine of play, hot chocolate, play, lunch, play, Elli’s nap, play, dinner, play and sleep. Wake up and repeat. Sammi is having a blast with her cousin who’s just 6 months older than her, though she is a few inches taller! Here are some pictures of them playing this afternoon.
Sammi and her cousin posing in the backyard
Sammi and her cousin have been negotiating games, TV watching, playground play and such. It’s interesting to see how they take turns talking each other into what they want to do. Sammi has had to accept that she can’t boss her (older) cousin around the way she can Elli. She’s also gotten pretty creative in enticing him to do what she wants. Overall, I would say she’s matured in her social development from the last time they played together. There haven’t been any temper tantrums or breakdowns over not getting what she wants. It’s been fun to see them just relish every moment of play they have together.
Saving the sheets from the wind
Elli napping after all that play. Doesn’t she look so pleased!
Grandpa’s house from Sammi’s perspective
My favorite thing about the Grandparent’s house is the built-in babysitters! We always try to get a date in while we visit!
My daughter loves that whenever she sees Grampy, here or in PEI, he always takes her to the Tim Horton’s coffee shop! It might be about the timbits (donut holes), but I think it’s mostly about the special time alone with Grampy. 🙂